Our History
Our family machine shop began over 40 years ago in 1980 as many businesses do, with humble beginnings. We started out welding farm equipment and doing general repairs. As the years passed, our work began shifting toward building bespoke equipment. Our reputation for quality work spread and a long-lasting customer base was established.
As the equipment became more complex, machining became a larger part of the process. Starting with manual machines and eventually shifting toward CNC machining. It quickly became apparent that there was a lot to learn. We were up for the challenge, but things would not be easy. Before YouTube and Google search made information more readily available, things were challenging at times.
After machining thousands of parts and gaining experience, we learned what tools were needed to succeed as Machinists. We developed value added products for our own use that are now available for everyone. Our educational materials are aimed at lessening the steep learning curve of this trade.
The world saw more technological advancement in 100 years than in all recorded history through manufacturing. While we may not be part of the next great advancement for humanity, perhaps teaching an aspiring Engineer, will lead to one. Providing the tools for brilliant individuals to go out and make an idea a reality, is something we are committed to.